Belmont Minor Soccer Association
Mini Soccer - Rules of the Game
TBD Night
The Belmont Minor Soccer Association would like to remind Parents, Coaches and players of the importance of fair play, patience, understanding and positive reinforcement during every soccer game.
The Teams
1. Players required equipment shall consist of shorts, socks, shin guards, and a team shirt. ( no soccer cletes allowed )
2. Each team will consist of 7 players on the field, one player being a goalkeeper.
3. A team should field a minimum of 5 players to begin any game.
4. All players must be registered in the BMSA Under 6 soccer program.
5. All players must be given equal playing time/sitting time.
6. Substitutions will be allowed at any time.
7. Teams will switch ends at half-time.
The Play
1. All games will consist of 2 x 15 minute halves with a 5-10 minute break for halftime. Intermittent breaks for hot weather upon coaches agreement.
2. All games will be preceded by a 15 minute practice starting at 6:30 p.m. to be immediately followed by a game. Games should start no later than 6:50 p.m.
3. The home team (the team named second in the schedule) will decide which end to defend and the coaches will start the game.
4. The coaches will referee the game while encouraging each player on the field.
5. Ball size for all games and practices will be SIZE 3 BALL.
6. Throw-ins will be afforded a second opportunity for retake if first try incorrect. (i.e. Foot foul )
7. Penalty/Corner kicks awarded upon decretion of the coaches.
8. If any player commits any of the following offences coaches will stop play and remind the child of the importance of fair play in sport:
8.1. Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent.
8.2. Trips or attempts to trip an opponent.
8.3. Jumps at an opponent.
8.4. Charges an opponent.
8.5. Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent.
8.6. Holds an opponent.
8.7. Pushes an opponent.
8.8. Handles the ball deliberately, (except a goalkeeper from within his own penalty area) Spitting at an opponent can not be tolerated, coaches will stop the game and discuss the inappropriate behavior with player and parent.
9. The goalie shall wear a different colour shirt or pinnie.
1. Handshakes between the teams are to occur before the game commences.
2. Players, coaches, parents and spectators shall not criticize the game any time and shall encourage the same from the players.